Hair care and styling tips.

Don’t waste another minute stressing out over your natural hair. Learn the best tips and tricks, styling trends and hair product recommendations to achieve any look for any occasion. By the end of this guide, you’ll understand everything you need to know about your hair texture, from porosity to density and shape, to help you achieve those fabulous everyday looks.

Know your texture.

Woman with coily hair

Coily & Tightly Curled Hair

Type 4 Hair

If your curls are so tight that it’s hard to make out a distinct curl pattern, you probably have type 4 hair. People with type 4 hair have tightly coiled to kinky ringlets that tend to be drier than other hair types. Type 4 hair is:

  • Dense
  • Coarse
  • Delicate
  • Prone to breakage

Standard markers of type 4 hair are low [tooltips keyword=’moisture retention’ content=’Moisture retention is the ability of hair to maintain moisture between wash days.’] and extreme shrinkage.

Styling your type 4 hair using ECO STYLE gel products with essential oils and humectants is the way to go to lock in maximum moisture between wash days or for when you’re trying to achieve a slick and simple pulled-back ponytail look.

Woman with curly hair

Curly Hair

Type 3 Hair

You might have type 3 hair if your hair texture ranges from loose to tight-spiraled curls with a distinct S-shape. Type 3 hair is:

  • Springy
  • Voluminous
  • Prone to frizz

If this is your hair type, don’t let frizz get you down. Add one of our humidity-blocking, oil infused plant-based ECO STYLE gels to your hair care routine to combat frizz and maintain volume and definition.

Woman with waivy hair

Wavy Hair

Type 2 Hair

Does your hair naturally give beach vibes? Type 2 hair isn’t too straight and isn’t too curly, and the wavy texture ranges from thick S-shaped curls to loose loops. Common characteristics of type 2 hair are:

  • Lays close to the scalp
  • Coarse
  • Loose and curly
  • Prone to frizz

Heavy products will weigh this texture down, leaving no sign of life and movement. If you want to put your beachy waves into a sleek messy bun or chic topknot with soft edges, here are some great products to try out.

Woman with straight hair

Straight Hair

Type 1 Hair

There’s no guessing game when it comes to this hair type. Type 1 hair is either bone straight or mostly straight with light waves and a soft body. Curl retention after styling is a common issue for those with type 1 hair. Type 1 hair is:

  • Wispy
  • Shiny
  • Frizz-free
  • Prone to product build-up

Heavy styling products can also weigh down this hair type, leaving the hair limp and lifeless. If you want a sleek, pulled-back lightweight style, below are some great products to use.